Adult and Children Immunity Strengthening And Reactivation
The first and second inductors (L1, L2) are located in the area of projection of the adrenal glands. The third and fourth inductors (L3, L4) are set on the plantar area of the foot. The feedback sensor is located in the shoulder girdle area on the right (A1) (fig. 1). Exposure time – 24 minutes. 5 sessions.minutes. 5 sessions.

Fig. 1. The inductors and the feedback sensor location for influencing the adult person’s immunity.

Adult person’s Immunity Strengthening
Four inductors (fig. 2) are used. One (L1) is located in the thymus area and another is in the area of the liver projection (L2). Two inductors (L3, L4) are in the plantar area of the foot. To receive the information on the child’s immune system condition, set the feedback sensor in the thymus area (A1) or in the shoulder girdle area on the right (A2). Time of influence – 12 minutes. Five sessions.

Fig. 2. The inductors and the feedback sensor location for strengthening child’s immunity.
Children Immunity Strengthening
Four inductors (fig. 3) are used. One (L1) is located in thymus area, and another - in the liver projection area (L2). Other two inductors (L3, L4) are in the area of projection of the adrenal glands. The feedback sensor is set in the shoulder girdle area on the right (A2). Time of influence - 12 minutes. Five sessions.

Fig. 3. The inductors and the feedback sensor location for reactivation child’s immunity.

Children Immunity Reactivation